Singing Guide: White Lies

Singing Guide: White Lies

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

To sing like Harry McVeigh from White Lies

There are several techniques to consider. Harry has a unique and distinct singing style that is worth noting.

Firstly, it's his confident and smooth baritone voice that carries a unique quality to their music. Harry's voice offers a deep and resonant sound, with an excellent projection that makes the songs more dramatic.

To sound like Harry from White Lies, you need to focus on improving some of your vocal techniques:

  • Breathing and Breath Support: Breath control is crucial for sustained singing like Harry McVeigh. Make sure you have good breath support, i.e., controlling your exhales to produce long and sustained notes. Check this blog on how to control your breath while singing.
  • Articulation: Harry's vocal natural sound has no excess vibrating, and he avoids nasality while singing. Pronouncing words with clarity is key. Check this blog on how to articulate more clearly.
  • Confidence: Confidence is paramount when channeling Harry during singing. Ensure you sing with energy and with the right mindset. A way to help you build your confidence is to get used to performing in front of an audience.

There are also specific White Lies songs that showcase Harry McVeigh's vocalism:

  • To Lose My Life: This song is a great example of his technique, particularly the intro where he begins with a low note and gradually transitions to a high, intense chorus.
  • Fifty on Our Foreheads: Also valid is "Fifty On Our Foreheads" where Harry's powerful voice shines through, especially in the bridge before the final chorus.

Remember that to sing like Harry McVeigh, your voice needs to be healthy. So, before you start, warm up with some vocal exercises like the ones found on our site, such as the Farinelli breathing exercises or 3-minute warm-up for your voice.

And for more vocal aid, try some of our digital tools:

Good luck, and happy singing!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.